Members of BSAP
Our members come from the main Bulgarian universities and research institutions: Sofia University, New Bulgarian University, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Veliko Tarnovo, South West University. We are working in different analytic fields such as philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, early analytic philosophy, neurophilosophy, philosophy of art, etc.
Our members come from the main Bulgarian universities and research institutions: Sofia University, New Bulgarian University, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, University of Veliko Tarnovo, South West University. We are working in different analytic fields such as philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, early analytic philosophy, neurophilosophy, philosophy of art, etc.
Administrative Council:

Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova - President
Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova is an Assistant Professor at Sofia University, where she currently teaches Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Perception and Philosophy of Action. She has a PhD in Philosophy from Sofia University (2020). Her main interests are in the fields of epistemology, philosophy of perception, metaphilosophy, metaethics and Bulgarian philosophy. Her first book "Отвътре навън (Inside Out)" (2022) proposes a defence of an externalist account of justification and argues in favour of externalism in regards to thought content.
Find more about Madelaine:
e-mail: [email protected]
Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova is an Assistant Professor at Sofia University, where she currently teaches Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Perception and Philosophy of Action. She has a PhD in Philosophy from Sofia University (2020). Her main interests are in the fields of epistemology, philosophy of perception, metaphilosophy, metaethics and Bulgarian philosophy. Her first book "Отвътре навън (Inside Out)" (2022) proposes a defence of an externalist account of justification and argues in favour of externalism in regards to thought content.
Find more about Madelaine:
e-mail: [email protected]

Rosen Lutskanov - Vice President (Operations and Strategy)
Rosen Lutskanov is Associated Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Science. He has published two books: “The incompleteness theorem: contexts of interpretation” (Sofia, “East-West”, 2008) and “The faces of Proteus: an introduction to conceptual mathematics” (Sofia, “East-West”, 2013), along with over 60 peer reviewed papers, treating various subjects: history and philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, rational choice theory, argumentation. Currently he teaches critical thinking (at New Bulgarian University) and philosophy of mind (at the university of Plovdiv).
Rosen participated in various joint research projects: with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Science, the Institute of Philosophy at Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Philosophy at Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Liege, Belgium, the Institute for Philosophical Research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is a founding member and Vice President of BSAP.
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Rosen Lutskanov is Associated Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Science. He has published two books: “The incompleteness theorem: contexts of interpretation” (Sofia, “East-West”, 2008) and “The faces of Proteus: an introduction to conceptual mathematics” (Sofia, “East-West”, 2013), along with over 60 peer reviewed papers, treating various subjects: history and philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, rational choice theory, argumentation. Currently he teaches critical thinking (at New Bulgarian University) and philosophy of mind (at the university of Plovdiv).
Rosen participated in various joint research projects: with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Science, the Institute of Philosophy at Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Philosophy at Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Liege, Belgium, the Institute for Philosophical Research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is a founding member and Vice President of BSAP.
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Marina Bakalova - Vice President (International Affairs and Communication)
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Dimitar Elchinov
Dimitar Elchinov is an associated professor at Sofia University, Bulgaria. He is currently teaching Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language and Neo-Socratic Dialogue. His first research project was published in 2015 under the title "Теории за истината (Theories of Truth)". His second book went out of print on the following year and proposes a defence of philosophical behaviourism - "Съзнание и поведение (Mind & Behaviour)" (2016). His claims were inspired and influenced by the works of Gilbert Ryle and Rudolf Carnap.
Dimitar Elchinov is an associated professor at Sofia University, Bulgaria. He is currently teaching Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language and Neo-Socratic Dialogue. His first research project was published in 2015 under the title "Теории за истината (Theories of Truth)". His second book went out of print on the following year and proposes a defence of philosophical behaviourism - "Съзнание и поведение (Mind & Behaviour)" (2016). His claims were inspired and influenced by the works of Gilbert Ryle and Rudolf Carnap.

Aneta Karageorgieva
Aneta Karageorgieva is a Professor of philosophy at Sofia University, Bulgaria. She was the head of the Department of Philosophy from 2007 to 2015. In 1986 she defends her PhD thesis at Sofia University. In 2000 she becomes an Associate Professor of theory of knowledge in the Department of Philosophy at Sofia University. She currently reads the following courses: Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy for Children.
Aneta Karageorgieva is a Professor of philosophy at Sofia University, Bulgaria. She was the head of the Department of Philosophy from 2007 to 2015. In 1986 she defends her PhD thesis at Sofia University. In 2000 she becomes an Associate Professor of theory of knowledge in the Department of Philosophy at Sofia University. She currently reads the following courses: Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy for Children.

Lilia Gurova
Lilia Gurova is professor of philosophy at New Bulgarian University, Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology. Her research interests are in the field of philosophy and history of science and cognitive science. She has over 130 publications in English and Bulgarian, including 3 books (one of them co-authored). Prof. Gurova is a member of Philosophy of Science Association, Cognitive Science Society, European Philosophy of Science Association and was elected to the Steering Committee of the latter in the period 2013 - 2015. She is a co-founder of Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy, the East European Network for Philosophy of Science, and the POND network (Philosophy of Science Around the Mediterranean). Prof. Gurova is a member of the editorial boards of Balkan Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Alternatives.
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Lilia Gurova is professor of philosophy at New Bulgarian University, Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology. Her research interests are in the field of philosophy and history of science and cognitive science. She has over 130 publications in English and Bulgarian, including 3 books (one of them co-authored). Prof. Gurova is a member of Philosophy of Science Association, Cognitive Science Society, European Philosophy of Science Association and was elected to the Steering Committee of the latter in the period 2013 - 2015. She is a co-founder of Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy, the East European Network for Philosophy of Science, and the POND network (Philosophy of Science Around the Mediterranean). Prof. Gurova is a member of the editorial boards of Balkan Journal of Philosophy and Philosophical Alternatives.
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Kamen Lozev
Kamen Lozev took his Master Degree in Engineering Sciences in 1982 at the Technical University, Sofia. In 1987 he received his PhD at the then Philosophy Institute, section Ethics, to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences defending the Dissertation thesis „Еthical Aspects of the Relation Man-Technics“. He taught, subsequently, Philosophy at the Technical University, Sofia, for several years and is then, since 2001, lecturing at the South-West University `Neofit Rilski`, Blagoevgrad, covering subjects like Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Ethics, IR theories. He has authored many philosophical articles and four books on Popper, Wittgenstein and Russell.
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Kamen Lozev took his Master Degree in Engineering Sciences in 1982 at the Technical University, Sofia. In 1987 he received his PhD at the then Philosophy Institute, section Ethics, to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences defending the Dissertation thesis „Еthical Aspects of the Relation Man-Technics“. He taught, subsequently, Philosophy at the Technical University, Sofia, for several years and is then, since 2001, lecturing at the South-West University `Neofit Rilski`, Blagoevgrad, covering subjects like Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Ethics, IR theories. He has authored many philosophical articles and four books on Popper, Wittgenstein and Russell.
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Doroteya Angelova
Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova, Ph.D., works at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IPhS) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where she is the head of the Thematic Group of Logic at the Department Knowledge and Reality: Models, Methodologies and Heuristics (2021-ongoing). She was the head of the Department Logic and Philosophy of Science (2019-2021). She is a member of the Scientific Council at IPhS (2015-ongoing) and was its scientific secretary (2015-2023). She has been a member of the IPhS Attestation Commission since 2013 until 2023. She worked as a part-time teacher of logic and philosophy at University of National and World Economy (2009-2017). She is an author of the monographs Possible and Impossible Worlds in Contemporary Logic (2011) and Logical Consequence in Relevant Logic (2010), as well as of more than 40 publications, some in prestigious international journals. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Philosophical Alternatives (2013-ongoing). She is a coordintor of various international projects. She has given talks in lots of authoritative international and national congresses and conferences. She has several specializations in: Oxford, Budapest, Bordeaux and Portugal. She is a member of: Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI); East European Network for Philosophy of Science; she is a member of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB) and she was a head of the Philosophical Sciences section at the USB in the period 2017-2022; she is a member and one of the founders of Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy (BSAP).
Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova, Ph.D., works at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IPhS) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where she is the head of the Thematic Group of Logic at the Department Knowledge and Reality: Models, Methodologies and Heuristics (2021-ongoing). She was the head of the Department Logic and Philosophy of Science (2019-2021). She is a member of the Scientific Council at IPhS (2015-ongoing) and was its scientific secretary (2015-2023). She has been a member of the IPhS Attestation Commission since 2013 until 2023. She worked as a part-time teacher of logic and philosophy at University of National and World Economy (2009-2017). She is an author of the monographs Possible and Impossible Worlds in Contemporary Logic (2011) and Logical Consequence in Relevant Logic (2010), as well as of more than 40 publications, some in prestigious international journals. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Philosophical Alternatives (2013-ongoing). She is a coordintor of various international projects. She has given talks in lots of authoritative international and national congresses and conferences. She has several specializations in: Oxford, Budapest, Bordeaux and Portugal. She is a member of: Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI); East European Network for Philosophy of Science; she is a member of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB) and she was a head of the Philosophical Sciences section at the USB in the period 2017-2022; she is a member and one of the founders of Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy (BSAP).

Anna Ivanova
Anna Ivanova is an assistant professor of epistemology, philosophy of science and philosophy of language at St Cyril and St Methodius University in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. She а graduate of philosophy from VTU (2001) and а PhD from Sofia University (2008). Her dissertation is in the philosophy of biology. Her current interests are in the field of epistemology, theory of communication and critical reasoning.
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Anna Ivanova is an assistant professor of epistemology, philosophy of science and philosophy of language at St Cyril and St Methodius University in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. She а graduate of philosophy from VTU (2001) and а PhD from Sofia University (2008). Her dissertation is in the philosophy of biology. Her current interests are in the field of epistemology, theory of communication and critical reasoning.
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Radostina Minina
Radostina Minina had graduated with Master's degree of Mind And Language Philosophy and Child And Adolescent Psychology. Currently she is studying PhD at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at Bulgarian Academy of Science. Her interests are in the field of Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science and Psychology.
Radostina Minina had graduated with Master's degree of Mind And Language Philosophy and Child And Adolescent Psychology. Currently she is studying PhD at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge at Bulgarian Academy of Science. Her interests are in the field of Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science and Psychology.

Boyan Vassilev
Boyan Vassilev considers himself a pro-scientific philosopher, due to the (often not so) obvious contribution of natural sciences to the flourishing of our species. He tends to employ elements of the neo-Socratic method while teaching. He is aiming towards cultivation of scientific literacy, critical thinking and non-fallacious argumentation — skills that determine a great deal of a person's life (and, subsequently, of a strong society) that is taking place in the 21st century.
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Boyan Vassilev considers himself a pro-scientific philosopher, due to the (often not so) obvious contribution of natural sciences to the flourishing of our species. He tends to employ elements of the neo-Socratic method while teaching. He is aiming towards cultivation of scientific literacy, critical thinking and non-fallacious argumentation — skills that determine a great deal of a person's life (and, subsequently, of a strong society) that is taking place in the 21st century.
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Tzvetan Moev
Tzvetan Moev is a PhD student in philosophy at Duke University. Prior to that, he studied economics at University of Oxford and philosophy at University of Cambridge. His main interests are in philosophy of science. Currently, he is working on problems related to causation, economics, methodology, and cognitive science.
e-mail: [email protected]
Tzvetan Moev is a PhD student in philosophy at Duke University. Prior to that, he studied economics at University of Oxford and philosophy at University of Cambridge. His main interests are in philosophy of science. Currently, he is working on problems related to causation, economics, methodology, and cognitive science.
e-mail: [email protected]

Denitsa Zhelyazkova
Denitsa Zhelyazkova is an assistant professor at Plovdiv University. In 2022, Denitsa defends her PhD thesis at Sofia University. The title of her dissertation is “Logic and Reality: The Question of the Nature of Logical Constants in Analytic Metaphysics'. Her main interests are in the fields of contemporary philosophy, early analytic philosophy, late analytic philosophy, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, ontology, analytic metaphysics, metaphysical realism, logical realism.
e-mail: [email protected]
Denitsa Zhelyazkova is an assistant professor at Plovdiv University. In 2022, Denitsa defends her PhD thesis at Sofia University. The title of her dissertation is “Logic and Reality: The Question of the Nature of Logical Constants in Analytic Metaphysics'. Her main interests are in the fields of contemporary philosophy, early analytic philosophy, late analytic philosophy, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, ontology, analytic metaphysics, metaphysical realism, logical realism.
e-mail: [email protected]

Lina Georgieva
Georgieva graduated in philosophy at New Bulgarian University and defended her PhD at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Participates in international conferences and projects related to philosophy of education. She is also interested in philosophy of mind, gamification, game design and applied philosophy.
Find more about Lina: CV
e-mail: [email protected]
Georgieva graduated in philosophy at New Bulgarian University and defended her PhD at Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Participates in international conferences and projects related to philosophy of education. She is also interested in philosophy of mind, gamification, game design and applied philosophy.
Find more about Lina: CV
e-mail: [email protected]