20.11.2024, 11:00 (EET)
Invited talk by Maja Malec (University of Ljubljana)
Changes in the Understanding of Possibility from Ancient Greece to Present
International Conference "Varieties of Representations"
29.03.2024, 18:00 (EET)
Invited talk by Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse
(University Hospital of Liege and Sensation & Perception Research Group - GIGA)
Can we integrate non-ordinary states of consciousness in the clinical care of patients?
Venue: Sofia University, New Conference Hall
In our presentation, we will discuss behavioral, neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies conducted at the University Hospital and University of Liège (Belgium) on hypnosis and other non-ordinary states of consciousness as a tool, for example, to modulate brain responses to pain perception. In parallel to these neuroimaging researches, we currently develop clinical studies and show benefits of approaches based on non-ordinary states of consciousness such as hypnosis in chronic health problems. We showed, among other results that hypnosis combined with self-care learning is associated with patients' evolution (suffering from chronic pain or a cancer) of coping strategies from passive to active, allowing them to reduce pain perception, emotional distress and fatigue, and improve their global impression of treatment effectiveness.
About Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse
Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse is a neuropsychologist, PhD in Medical Sciences. During her PhD and Post-Doctoral position at the University of Liege (ULiege, Belgium), she elaborated behavioural and neuroimaging studies in patients with disorders of consciousness following severe brain injury. Since 2013, she is working as clinical scientist in the Algology Interdisciplinary Center of the University Hospital (CHU) of Liège, and since 2016, she is also the director of the Sensation & Perception Research Group (SPRG – www.gigalsprg.uliege.be) at the GIGA Consciousness of the ULiege.
In our presentation, we will discuss behavioral, neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies conducted at the University Hospital and University of Liège (Belgium) on hypnosis and other non-ordinary states of consciousness as a tool, for example, to modulate brain responses to pain perception. In parallel to these neuroimaging researches, we currently develop clinical studies and show benefits of approaches based on non-ordinary states of consciousness such as hypnosis in chronic health problems. We showed, among other results that hypnosis combined with self-care learning is associated with patients' evolution (suffering from chronic pain or a cancer) of coping strategies from passive to active, allowing them to reduce pain perception, emotional distress and fatigue, and improve their global impression of treatment effectiveness.
About Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse
Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse is a neuropsychologist, PhD in Medical Sciences. During her PhD and Post-Doctoral position at the University of Liege (ULiege, Belgium), she elaborated behavioural and neuroimaging studies in patients with disorders of consciousness following severe brain injury. Since 2013, she is working as clinical scientist in the Algology Interdisciplinary Center of the University Hospital (CHU) of Liège, and since 2016, she is also the director of the Sensation & Perception Research Group (SPRG – www.gigalsprg.uliege.be) at the GIGA Consciousness of the ULiege.
09.06.2023 - 10.06.2023
Memory and Mind 2: A Sofia-Grenoble Workshop
International Conference "Naturalism in Philosophy"
19.05.2023 - 21.05.2023
Keynote Speakers:
02.12.2022 - 03.12.2022 (hybrid event) @ Sofia University & Online
International Conference "120 YEARS SINCE THE BIRTH OF KARL POPPER"
December 2 (Friday)
MORNING SESSION (Sofia University, Aula Magna)
9.30 - 10.00
Official Opening and Welcome Address – the Austrian Embassy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
at Aula Magna, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, bul. "Tsar Osvoboditel" 15
10.00 - 11.00 Keynote Address
Thomas Hainscho (University of Klagenfurt)
Popper’s philosophy in relation to ‘post-truth’
11.00 – 11.15 – Coffee Break
First Panel - Popper`s Philosophy of Science (Moderator: Kamen Lozev)
(11.15 – 12.45)
11.15 – 11:45 Lilia Gurova (New Bulgarian University)
Popper’s views of understanding and their implications for the discussions on scientific understanding in contemporary philosophy of science
11.45 – 12.15 Murali Ramachandran (Thapar School of Liberal Arts and Science) online
Confirmation, Corroboration, and Causation
12.15 – 12.45 Alexander Linsbichler (University of Vienna), Benjamin Smart (University of Exeter) and Sophie Veigl (University of Vienna)
Scientific Pluralism as a Branch of Millenial Popperianism?
12.45 – 15.00
Lunch Break
AFTERNOON SESSION (Sofia University, Aula Magna)
Second Panel – Popper`s Ethics & Political Philosophy (Moderator Lilia Gurova)
(15.00 – 16.30)
15.00 – 15:30 Rosen Lutskanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Karl Popper’s negative utilitarianism
15.30 – 16.00 Theodora – Elisavet Markantonatou & George N. Politis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Karl Popper: Analysis, critique and deconstruction of Marx’s theory – a comprehensive analysis of the Popperian attack on Marxism
16.00 – 16.30 Kamen Lozev (South-West University)
Popper and Russia (A Personal Memoir and Reflections)
19.00 – 20.30
Reception at the Austrian Embassy, Sofia
December 3 (Saturday)
MORNING SESSION - (Sofia University, Aula Magna)
First panel – Popper`s Epistemology & Philosophy of Science (Moderator Rosen Lutskanov)
9.30 - 11.00
9.30 – 10.00 Gülberk Koç Maclean (Mount Royal University)
A Popperian solution to a Russellian dilemma
10.00 – 10.30 Yafeng Shan (University of Kent) - online
The Demarcation Problem revisited
10.30 – 11.00 Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova (Sofia University)
We are all fallible
11.00 - 11.15
Coffee break
Second panel – Popper`s Epistemology & Philosophy of Science (Moderator Kaloyan Nechev)
11.15 – 12.45
11.15 – 11:45 Kamalika Roy (Visva-Bharati University) - online
Popperian Emergence and the Problem of Causal Closure
11.45 – 12.15 Jitka Paitlová (University of West Bohemia)
Popper’s early Neo-Kantian epistemology
12.15 – 12.45 Haggeo Cadenas (University of California - San Diego) - online
Popper’s Evolutionary Epistemology
12.45 - 15.00
Lunch Break
AFTERNOON SESSION (Sofia University, Aula Magna)
Third panel – Popper`s Ethics & Political Philosophy (Moderator Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova)
15.00 - 16.30
15.00 – 15.30 Ogunsakin Stephen Sola (University of Fort Hare) - online
Black bodies and the structural violence of Covid-19: Popper, Fanon and the quest for a post-pandemic ethics
15:30 – 16:00 Jonas Pöld (University of Münster) and Florian Chefai (Hans Albert Institut)
The role of institutions in Popper‘s Open Society
16.00 – 16.30 Secil Oesergan (Sofia University)
Karl Popper's political philosophy - tracing the roots of totalitarianism in Western thought
16.30 - 16.45
7 -8 October, 2022 (hybrid event) @ Veliko Tarnovo University & Online
Experience, Language, Knowledge
Romanian-Bulgarian Workshop in Analytic Philosophy
9,15 – 10,15 Mircea Dumitru (RSAP; University of Bucharest; Romanian Academy)
New Thoughts on Compositionality: Kit Fine’s Semantic Relationism
10,15 – 11,15 Marina Bakalova (BSAP; IPS, BAS)
Epistemology of Perceived Musical Expression
11,15-11,30 – Coffee Break
11,30 – 12, 30 Gheorghe Stefanov (RSAP; University of Bucharest)
Knowing What It Is Like to Achieve Something
12,30 – 14, 00 Lunch Break
14,00 – 15,00 Constantin Stoenescu (RSAP; University of Bucharest)
Is Understanding Enough?
15,00 – 16,00 Lilia Gurova (BSAP; New Bulgarian University)
Prediction and Understanding
16,00-16,15 – Coffee Break
16,15 – 17,15 Andrei Mărăşoiu (University of Bucharest)
Understanding, Conscious Experience and Epistemic Norms
09,00 – 10,00 Rosen Lutskanov (BSAP; IPS, BAS)
Ranking Methods for Utilitarian Maximization
10,00 – 11,00 Vihren Bouzov (Veliko Tarnovo University)
The Problem of Legal Proof in Epistemological Perspective
11,00-11,15 – Coffee Break
11,15 – 12,15 Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova (BSAP; Sofia University)
No Man Is an Island. Infinitism In Regards to Knowledge
12,15 – 13,15 Anna Ivanova (BSAP; Veliko Tarnovo University)
Dispositions to Believe and Epistemic Deontologism
9,15 – 10,15 Mircea Dumitru (RSAP; University of Bucharest; Romanian Academy)
New Thoughts on Compositionality: Kit Fine’s Semantic Relationism
10,15 – 11,15 Marina Bakalova (BSAP; IPS, BAS)
Epistemology of Perceived Musical Expression
11,15-11,30 – Coffee Break
11,30 – 12, 30 Gheorghe Stefanov (RSAP; University of Bucharest)
Knowing What It Is Like to Achieve Something
12,30 – 14, 00 Lunch Break
14,00 – 15,00 Constantin Stoenescu (RSAP; University of Bucharest)
Is Understanding Enough?
15,00 – 16,00 Lilia Gurova (BSAP; New Bulgarian University)
Prediction and Understanding
16,00-16,15 – Coffee Break
16,15 – 17,15 Andrei Mărăşoiu (University of Bucharest)
Understanding, Conscious Experience and Epistemic Norms
09,00 – 10,00 Rosen Lutskanov (BSAP; IPS, BAS)
Ranking Methods for Utilitarian Maximization
10,00 – 11,00 Vihren Bouzov (Veliko Tarnovo University)
The Problem of Legal Proof in Epistemological Perspective
11,00-11,15 – Coffee Break
11,15 – 12,15 Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova (BSAP; Sofia University)
No Man Is an Island. Infinitism In Regards to Knowledge
12,15 – 13,15 Anna Ivanova (BSAP; Veliko Tarnovo University)
Dispositions to Believe and Epistemic Deontologism
16 - 17 September, 2021
Memory and Mind: A Sofia-Grenoble Workshop
(virtual workshop)
Zoom link: https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/95610516625?pwd=MkhKcUtzTnNMcVlTcWtFWEQxUlpVUT09
Meeting ID: 956 1051 6625.
Password: 100382.
Schedule (all times CEST):
16 September 2021
Meeting ID: 956 1051 6625.
Password: 100382.
Schedule (all times CEST):
16 September 2021
- 09:00-09:15. Welcome.
- 09:15-10:56. KEYNOTE. The true scope of episodic memory: When remembering is based on experiences other than perception. Markus Werning (Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum).
- 10:45-11:00. Coffee break.
- 11:00-12:00. Beyond the hybrid view: Splitting the difference between relationalism and representationalism about memory. Ivan Ivanov (Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University).
- 12:00-13:00. Lunch break and informal virtual gathering.
- 13:00-14:00. Memory of music-based emotions. Marina Bakalova (Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
- 14:00-15:00. Memory retrieval and justification. Anna Ivanova (Department of Philosophical Sciences, University of Veliko Tarnovo).
- 15:00-15:15. Coffee break.
- 15:15-16:15. How simulationist can you get? Remembering as imagining the (personal?) past. Kourken Michaelian (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).
- 16:15-17:15. The continuity of perception: Is what I remember the same as what I have perceived? Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova (Department of Philosophy, Sofia University).
- 9:00-10:00. The transparency of mental files. Michael Murez (Centre Atlantique de Philosophie, Université de Nantes).
- 10:00-10:15. Coffee break.
- 10:15-11:15. Lucidity as a test case for the knowledge argument. Stefan Petkov (Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University).
- 11:15-12:15. Memory and the fragmented mind. Nikola Andonovski (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).
- 12:15-13:15. Lunch break and informal virtual gathering.
- 13:15-14:15. Why do we remember our dreams so well? Reconsidering the "hallucination" versus "imagination" debate. Ludwig Crespin (Laboratoire Philosophies et Rationalités, Université Clermont Auvergne).
- 14:15-15:15. Anscombe on memory. Rémi Clot-Goudard (Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes).
- 15:15-15:30. Coffee break.
- 15:30-16:30. Embodied personal narrative: Biological vs. psychological criteria for personal identity. Radostina Minina (Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
- 16:30-16:45. Closing remarks.
A one day workshop
On 7 October 2016 (Friday)
In the hall room at the second floor of “Serdica”, 4
Program of the workshop:
Morning session
Vesselin Petrov (BAS, Sofia)
10:00 – 11:00. Fabrice Pataut (Paris, France): “Understanding the failure of logical laws: comments on Dummett and McDowell”
11:00 – 12:00. Rosen Lutskanov (BAS, Sofia): “Does modus ponens really fail?”
12:00 – 14:00. Lunch break
Afternoon session
Rosen Lutskanov (BAS, Sofia)
14:00 – 15:00. Doroteya Angelova (BAS, Sofia): "Some Laws of Non-classical Logic and Their Applications"
15:00 – 16:00. Boris Grozdanoff (BAS, Sofia): “Chirality: Meaning and Reference”
A one day workshop
On 7 October 2016 (Friday)
In the hall room at the second floor of “Serdica”, 4
Program of the workshop:
Morning session
Vesselin Petrov (BAS, Sofia)
10:00 – 11:00. Fabrice Pataut (Paris, France): “Understanding the failure of logical laws: comments on Dummett and McDowell”
11:00 – 12:00. Rosen Lutskanov (BAS, Sofia): “Does modus ponens really fail?”
12:00 – 14:00. Lunch break
Afternoon session
Rosen Lutskanov (BAS, Sofia)
14:00 – 15:00. Doroteya Angelova (BAS, Sofia): "Some Laws of Non-classical Logic and Their Applications"
15:00 – 16:00. Boris Grozdanoff (BAS, Sofia): “Chirality: Meaning and Reference”
The Department of Logical Systems and Models Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge Bulgarian Academy of Sciences organizes an International conference "Logical Models"
The conference will take place on 1st and 2nd of September 2016 in the building of the institute that is on 6,“Patriarch Evthimii” blvd., the main hall. Everybody is welcome.
1 st of September 2016
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov
14,15 -14,25 Opening of the conference
14, 25 –15,10 Jacek Malinowski “Bayesian Propositional Logics - ideas and motivations”
15,10 – 15,20 Discussion
15, 20 –15,35 Coffee break
15,35 –16,25 Vit Puncochar “A natural extension of substructural logics”
16,25 – 16,35 Discussion
16,35 –16,50
Coffee break
16,50 –17,35 Doroteya Angelova “The Concept of Implication from Ancient Logic to Modern Logic” 17,35 –17,45 Discussion 2 nd of September 2016 Morning Session Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova
10,00-10,30 Marcin Milkowski “Unification, confirmation and coherence”
10,30 - 10,40 Discussion 10, 40 – 10,55 Coffee break
10,55 – 11,25 Rosen Lutskanov “On Functional Dependency and Its Logic”
11,25 – 11,35 Discussion 11,35 – 11,40 Break
11,40 – 11,55 Christian Enchev “Some Logical Paradoxes From a Metaphorological Point of View”
11,55 – 12,00 Discussion
12, 00 -14, 00 Break Afternoon Session Moderator: Lyubomir Sirkov, Ph.D. student
14,00 – 14,20 Anguel Stefanov “Self-Referential Theories”
14, 20 -14, 25 Discussion
14, 25 – 14,30 Break
14,30 – 15,00 Engelsina Taseva “Logic and rationality - double pluralism”
15,00 – 15,10 Discussion
15,10 – 15,25 Coffee break
15,25 – 15,50 Krystyna Bielecka and Mira Marcinów “A constructive approach to mental misrepresentation in human and non-human minds”
15,50 – 16,00 Discussion 16,00 End of the conference
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Head of the organizing committee - Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova Members of the organizing committee: Prof. Martin Tabakov, Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov, Prof. Jacek Malinowski, Assoc. Prof. Marcin Milkowski, Vit Puncochar, Krystyna Bielecka, Mira Marcinów PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Prof. Jacek Malinowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Vit Puncochar (Czech Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Marcin Milkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) Krystyna Bielecka (University of Warsaw) Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Mira Marcinów, Ph.D. (Polish Academy of Sciences) Prof. Martin Tabakov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Obreshkov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The conference will take place on 1st and 2nd of September 2016 in the building of the institute that is on 6,“Patriarch Evthimii” blvd., the main hall. Everybody is welcome.
1 st of September 2016
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov
14,15 -14,25 Opening of the conference
14, 25 –15,10 Jacek Malinowski “Bayesian Propositional Logics - ideas and motivations”
15,10 – 15,20 Discussion
15, 20 –15,35 Coffee break
15,35 –16,25 Vit Puncochar “A natural extension of substructural logics”
16,25 – 16,35 Discussion
16,35 –16,50
Coffee break
16,50 –17,35 Doroteya Angelova “The Concept of Implication from Ancient Logic to Modern Logic” 17,35 –17,45 Discussion 2 nd of September 2016 Morning Session Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova
10,00-10,30 Marcin Milkowski “Unification, confirmation and coherence”
10,30 - 10,40 Discussion 10, 40 – 10,55 Coffee break
10,55 – 11,25 Rosen Lutskanov “On Functional Dependency and Its Logic”
11,25 – 11,35 Discussion 11,35 – 11,40 Break
11,40 – 11,55 Christian Enchev “Some Logical Paradoxes From a Metaphorological Point of View”
11,55 – 12,00 Discussion
12, 00 -14, 00 Break Afternoon Session Moderator: Lyubomir Sirkov, Ph.D. student
14,00 – 14,20 Anguel Stefanov “Self-Referential Theories”
14, 20 -14, 25 Discussion
14, 25 – 14,30 Break
14,30 – 15,00 Engelsina Taseva “Logic and rationality - double pluralism”
15,00 – 15,10 Discussion
15,10 – 15,25 Coffee break
15,25 – 15,50 Krystyna Bielecka and Mira Marcinów “A constructive approach to mental misrepresentation in human and non-human minds”
15,50 – 16,00 Discussion 16,00 End of the conference
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Head of the organizing committee - Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova Members of the organizing committee: Prof. Martin Tabakov, Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov, Prof. Jacek Malinowski, Assoc. Prof. Marcin Milkowski, Vit Puncochar, Krystyna Bielecka, Mira Marcinów PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Prof. Jacek Malinowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Doroteya Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Vit Puncochar (Czech Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Marcin Milkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences) Krystyna Bielecka (University of Warsaw) Assoc. Prof. Rosen Lutskanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Mira Marcinów, Ph.D. (Polish Academy of Sciences) Prof. Martin Tabakov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Obreshkov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Conference in memory of Hilary Putnam 21 May 2016, Sofia University, Hall 1 - in Bulgarian
organizer: BSAP
Програма на конференцията посветена на философията на Хилъри Пътнам
на 21 май 2016
в Зала 1 на СУ „св. Климент Охридски“
9:30-10:00 Откриване на конференцията – представяне на личността и основните приноси на Хилъри Пътнам във философията
10-10:30 Лилия Гурова „Философията в един век на науката“
10:30-11:00 Анна Иванова "Хилари Пътнам за разграничението между факти и ценности"
11:00 -11:15 кафе пауза
11:15 – 11:45 Росен Люцканов “Реализмите на Пътнам"
11:45 -12:15 Ангел Стефанов "Емпирична ли е логиката?" по едноименната статия.
12:15-12:45 Христо Вълчев "Смисълът на 'смисъл'" по едноименната статия.
12:45 – 14:30 обяд
14:30 – 15:00 Анета Карагеоргиева "Аргументът "мозъци в стъкленици"
15:00- 15:30 Димитър Иванов „Критиката на Пътнам срещу бихевиоризма“.
15:30 – 15:45 кафе пауза
15:45 – 16:15 Антон Дончев "Множествената реализируемост и нейните критици"
16:15 – 16:45 Марина Бакалова „Пътнам за ролята на литературата”
organizer: BSAP
Програма на конференцията посветена на философията на Хилъри Пътнам
на 21 май 2016
в Зала 1 на СУ „св. Климент Охридски“
9:30-10:00 Откриване на конференцията – представяне на личността и основните приноси на Хилъри Пътнам във философията
10-10:30 Лилия Гурова „Философията в един век на науката“
10:30-11:00 Анна Иванова "Хилари Пътнам за разграничението между факти и ценности"
11:00 -11:15 кафе пауза
11:15 – 11:45 Росен Люцканов “Реализмите на Пътнам"
11:45 -12:15 Ангел Стефанов "Емпирична ли е логиката?" по едноименната статия.
12:15-12:45 Христо Вълчев "Смисълът на 'смисъл'" по едноименната статия.
12:45 – 14:30 обяд
14:30 – 15:00 Анета Карагеоргиева "Аргументът "мозъци в стъкленици"
15:00- 15:30 Димитър Иванов „Критиката на Пътнам срещу бихевиоризма“.
15:30 – 15:45 кафе пауза
15:45 – 16:15 Антон Дончев "Множествената реализируемост и нейните критици"
16:15 – 16:45 Марина Бакалова „Пътнам за ролята на литературата”
Reading Group:
"Everything that you always wanted to know about structural realism but were afraid to ask" by Roman Frigg and Ioannis Votsis
Presenter: Rossen Stoyanov
4 April 2016 at 2 pm,
4 Serdika Str. Sofia 1000
Reading Group:
"The Fine Structure of Inference to the Best Explanation" by Stathis Psillos
Presenter: Anton Donchev
7 March, 2016 at11 am.
4 Serdika Str. Sofia 1000
"The Fine Structure of Inference to the Best Explanation" by Stathis Psillos
Presenter: Anton Donchev
7 March, 2016 at11 am.
4 Serdika Str. Sofia 1000
Lecture by Anna Ivanova:
"The Infinite Regress of Justification: New Internalist Solutions"
on 29 February 2016, 4 Serdika Str. Sofia 1000, from 11 am
(Anna will deliver the lecture in English)
"The Infinite Regress of Justification: New Internalist Solutions"
on 29 February 2016, 4 Serdika Str. Sofia 1000, from 11 am
(Anna will deliver the lecture in English)